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Numerical Algorithms Group

The NAG Fortran 90 Library

The future of Fortran here today

The launch of the NAG Fortran 90 Library was another world first for NAG. Produced by experts for software developers, scientists and engineers, it was designed to capitalize on the increased functionality, power and elegance of Fortran 90/95.

Considerable care has been devoted to improving the user interface to the procedures in the NAG Fortran 90 Library, taking advantage of the advanced features of new Fortran compilers.

NAG fl90 Library Contents

Below is a list of some of the main numerical and statistical capabilities of the Library. Further details on the contents of the Library can be read here.

Numerical facilities

  • Optimization, including linear, quadratic, integer and nonlinear programming and least squares problems
  • Ordinary and partial differential equations
  • Roots of nonlinear equations (including polynomials)
  • Solution of dense, banded and sparse linear equations
  • Eigenvalue problems for dense and banded matrices
  • Solution of linear and nonlinear least squares problems
  • Special functions
  • Curve and surface fitting and interpolation
  • Matrix and vector operations

Statistical facilities

  • Random number generation
  • Simple calculations on statistical data
  • Correlation and regression analysis
  • Multivariate methods
  • Analysis of variance and contingency table analysis
  • Time series analysis
  • Nonparametric statistics

Online Documentation

First-class electronic help that gives you the detailed information you need to carry out your work quickly and effectively accompany the software in the Library.

Expert Support

If you subscribe to our dedicated Customer Support Service, not only will you automatically receive any update that is produced, but you will have direct access via the NAG Response Centre to our experts, who are there to assist you with your technical queries or difficulties.

Quality Assurance

The validity of each component is tested on each of the machine ranges for which the product is available. Only when an implementation satisfies our stringent accuracy standards is it released. As a result, you can rely on the proven accuracy and reliability of the components to give you the right answers.

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